How e-tailers get increased results without adding costs by smart monetization of existing assets

Moving into the next generation of e-commerce, the e-tailers who can find low-cost ways to leverage their main asset (their visitor data), will be the winners.

Traditionally, e-tailers have leveraged their data on their own. Examples of this are weekly campaign emails, retargeting advertising, and the optimizing of UX and UI based on conclusions drawn by their own visitor behavioral data.

But as e-commerce has matured, e-tailers are quickly running out of new, no-cost options to further create more sales on their own. To meet the increasing competition and the ever-looming threat of Amazon, e-tailers need to find ways to more closely cooperate with manufacturing Brands, which products are sold in the e-tailers’ shop.

Smart Retargeting enables e-tailers to leverage their visitor base further and get free sales and traffic from extremely efficient marketing campaigns, which are sponsored by Brands.

The Brands on the other hand get the opportunity to educate, influence, and convert consumers which they otherwise cannot reach. As such, Smart Retargeting is a win-win e-commerce strategy for Brands and e-tailers alike.

How e-tailers get increased results without adding costs by smart monetization of existing assets


Why Smart Retargeting for Brands deliver amazing results?


What can a Brand expect from smart-retargeting of visitors from major e-tailers?