Why choose re:nable?

Feed Enrichment

  • Product feed enrichment and optimization with AI

  • CRM and E-mail creative generation

  • Product descriptions with AI


Product feed

Enrich your product feeds

  • Aimèe can write ad copy that resonate with consumers - for every single product, market and language. Just by looking at product images or specifications Aimée can write full-length ad copy, you don’t even need to have any ad copy or product descriptions to get good results.

  • Leverage your existing user reviews to boost ad performance by having Aimée automatically select the best sentence fragments from the best reviews. In controlled A/B tests we’ve shown that replacing a high quality product text with an AI-selected review excerpt can boost CTR and ROAS even further, by 2x or more.

  • Use advanced prompting techniques to match your brand guides, tonality and sentiment in the written text - or write multiple text variants (e.g. humorous, descriptive, seasonal, promotional, ..) and let the ad network decide which text works best for each individual consumer.

  • Remove white image backgrounds, predict Google categories, classify and filter images (product, lifestyle, info graphics, ..), learn from feedback, .. Aimée can do a lot of the repetitive work for you.

Automatic image templating

  • Most every retailer has the same product-on-white-background images, but your ads will really stand out by using image templates.

  • Our drag-and-drop template editor lets you design how your ads will look, but you don’t need to be a graphics designer because we supply a library of beautiful templates to start from. We have pre-made templates for many of different uses and designs, pick what you like and get going in minutes.

  • Not only images are templated in our platform, but also all text fields - allowing you to specify what text goes where and how it should be processed. Similar to how you might be using tools like Channable, Datafeedwatch, ProductsUp or Feedonomics.

Use with your existing ad networks

  • Can be used in Google Merchant center as a supplementary feed to improve your product titles, create AI-written product descriptions with more keywords and to touch up images for Google Shopping.

  • Can be used in Meta Commerce Manager and to create Facebook/Instagram image, carousel and collection ads.

  • Can be used in other ad networks that support creating dynamic product ads from feeds - for example TikTok, Snap, Microsoft and more.


CRM and remarketing

Improve the product cards in your E-mail outreach

  • Using AI to write short headlines that make the case for why the customer would be particularly interested in this product.

  • Increase click-through-rates by automatically selecting the best sentence fragments from the best reviews and showing them on the product cards.

Use promotional graphics and transparent images

  • Overlay promotions, review scores and use template automations to present dynamic and varied graphics.

  • Aimée automatically removes the white backgrounds to makes product images present well - no matter what background color is used in the E-mail or if dark mode is active.


On site

Bring the enriched feed back to your website

  • Don’t worry if you’re lacking short product headlines, reasons to buy or complete product texts - Aimée can write those for you based on product specifications or even just by looking at the product images.

  • Setup your PIM system to ingest a supplementary product feed with AI written headlines, reasons to buy and full-length product texts.

Improve your SEO with unique content

  • It’s well established that generic syndicated content leads to worse SEO - e.g. product descriptions that are supplied by a brand through a product information syndicator like CNET, IceCat, FlixMedia and many others.

  • Use Aimée to rewrite, paraprase and expand the text you have so that Google notices that you have unique content and ranks you higher in organic search results.

Get a tireless copy writing and graphics designer AI to assist you in improving your product feed, E-mails and website!