Why choose re:nable?


  • Shopping feed AI enrichment and optimization

  • Dynamic product ads on Search with AI creative

  • Eye-catching animated product ads on Display


Google Shopping

Enrich your Google Shopping feeds

  • Aimèe can write product titles and descriptions that are easier to understand and contain more keywords.

  • Just by looking at your images Aimée can write long-form and keyword-rich product descriptions, you don’t even need to have a product name and description.

  • Having unique content and more keywords in your Shopping feed means that your products will match more searches, rank better, receive more impressions and helps improves your click-through-rates.

Automatically present images consistently

  • White backgrounds are cropped away and products are positioned with a consistent margin so they present nicely in Shopping ads - regardless of how the image looks when you received it from the brand.

  • Most every retailer has the same product-on-white-background images, but your ads could really stand out by adding a lifelike or colorful “minimal … product staging” background. Aimée can do this by automatically making product images transparent and adding a new background layer.


Google Search

Create Responsive Search Ads for all your categories and focus products

  • Through full-scale automation you can market thousands of your best products on Search, without having to manually manage all the ad creatives and keywords.

  • Aimée creates short headlines and descriptions that fit the stringent text-length requirements of Search Ads from whatever product information you have - or even by just looking at the product image.

Reduce the labor intensive keyword mining

  • Our AI uses product information, reviews, landing pages, competitors pages and the keyword planner to automatically find relevant keywords to target - both for your products and all your category landing pages.

  • Negative keywords are continuously mined from the observed Search Terms in order to further improve performance.

Continuously optimize the keywords

  • By observing keyword performance, learning and continuously optimizing what keywords to enabled - together with Smart Bidding - our AI can manage thousands of ad groups and improve your results over time.

  • Aimée will continuously update the keywords being targeted to give you the best results at any point in time, no matter what your competitors are doing or how peoples search behavior is changing.


Google Display

Eye-catching banner ads

  • Use animations and image templates to create ads that capture the prospective customers attention.

  • Our drag-and-drop template editor lets you design how your ads will look, but you don’t need to be a graphics designer because we supply a library of beautiful templates to start from. We have pre-made templates for many of different uses and designs, pick what you like and get going in minutes.

  • Ads are rendered as static images or animated through HTML5 or AMPHTML.

Target people in their buying window

  • Target people by their search history - but show the ads in the Display Network where competition and bids is lower.

  • Automatically mines product keywords and creates targeting audiences to reach people who are in their buying window for that particular product.

Prevent click-fraud from eating up the budget

  • Uses automation to detect and blacklist click-fraud websites and mobile apps.

  • Uses pre-populated block lists of known-bad websites and apps.

Get a hard-working Google specialist AI to assist you in setting up and optimizing your Shopping feed and Search ads